The Advantage Business Exchange is coming soon …

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ABX Managing Partner:  Joseph Robert Kreuz

Work begins Monday on the new Advantage Business Exchange [ABX] headquartered at the front of the Walker Center.  We will initially be focusing on eleven key resources for presentation and sale locally and globally.  From there, ABX will build out the presentation of additional Advantage Co resources and outsourced resources.

These are the initial resources that are being discussed and vetted.  We want to start out by offering our 10 most advantageous resources for both our clients and ABX’s sales force.

  1. The c1 Group.  Although c1 provides a wide array of IT services, we will be focusing our ABX sales activity on three key components:
    1. c1 Services
    2. c1 Search
    3. c1 Secure
  2. FedCloud Resources.  Autonomic Resources’ FedRAMP ATO has allowed us to develop several new offerings for both the Federal and commercial markets.  The key to all of our offerings is that we have implemented the most advanced FedRAMP and DISA certified security boundaries for cloud compute.
    1. FedDROP
    2. ARC Secure Data Centers
    3. FedDataCrunch
    4. FedCloud Express
    5. FedCloud Secure
  3. EAS.  Enterprise Archive Solution [EAS] is a highly scalable and flexible consolidated archiving solution that captures and preserves email messages, files, documents and other content in a way that both optimizes long-term storage and allows immediate access for Mailbox Management, Compliance, and Legal Purposes.  Engineered for easy deployment, EAS is essentially invisible to end users, who continue to use their existing and familiar processes and clients without the need for training.
  4. Grivani Corporate Sales.  Our troika of offerings for local corporate clients will be focused on corporate catering, corporate gift-giving, and corporate advertising in our annual Advantage catalog.  Our new line of upscale product, Grivani, will provide our clients with a premium resource for corporate gift-giving.
  5. Giancarlo’s Corporate Catering & Events.  We have been building an excellent reputation for our corporate event and boutique wedding catering, along with raising the bar on daily breakfast and lunch deliveries.
  6. Advantage Catalog Advertising.  Our catalog has become the benchmark for all of Western New York’s elite businesses and services.  We have been adding services and benefits to their participation, and we are looking to build it out for year long participation with all of our clients.
  7. iWorldFundraising.  Effective fundraising activity is key to every successful business’s community engagement.  iWorldFundraising will offer both online and event fundraising resources for our ABX clients.
  8. The College Rep Program [Jumpsite].  One of our first college reps from back in 80’s is now the Secretary of Labor for the United States.  Back in the 70’s, as a college rep for FAD Co. in New Jersey, I was able to sell Technics and Pioneer product, and it is what led to the Stereo Advantage’s early success.  Today, we have the product that will allow us to launch the premier online experience for college reps worldwide.
  9. Advantage Brands [Brand Online Partnership].  Our ever growing list of brands is remarkable.  Starting with our most successful brand launch ever, Aussie T Co, we now have several brands that have the potential to explode worldwide: Bogavia [which now sold in Whole Foods], Piece Apparel, Modern Luxuri, Pure+Fresh, Grivani, RiOT, Chuggs, …
  10. White Box Service [iphones, ipads, computers].  Our Lifetime Service Centers in Williamsville and California are the industry leaders in tech product service.  Lifetime Service’s WhiteBox Service specializes in the rapid repair of tech products that are no longer covered by a manufacturer or extended warranty.  Apple® products, video game consoles, HDTVs, laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc. can all be repaired for a fraction of the price it costs to replace the device.  Regardless of the geographic region, WhiteBox Service can facilitate the repair.  With proprietary UPS and FedEx approved containers, we can safely coordinate the shipping logistics of up to a 42” LCD HDTV.

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