Capax Archive Solutions

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Click this link for the Data Archiving in the PremCloud booklet @

Click this link for our PremCloud website @

We Are Data Archivists
As the world’s premier data archivists, we help ensure maximum data value.  Basically, there are four components to creating maximum data value: the aggregation of the data, the archiving of the data, the accessing of the data, and the utilization of the data.  At Capax Discovery, we focus on the first three, while we remain the go-to solution for other providers activating the unlimited utilization of the data.

Discerning Aggregation of Data
Effective data management all starts with the precise aggregation of the targeted data.  The old computer adage of garbage in – garbage out couldn’t be truer than it is for data aggregation.

Another old adage cleanliness is next to godliness also holds true for data aggregation.  At Capax Discovery we have developed, and we are continuing to develop, the essential tools necessary to capture, migrate, and clean all types of structured, unstructured, and dark data.

Capax Discovery not only has the finest tools to capture and migrate all of the targeted data, but we are uniquely prepared to detect, correct, or remove all of the incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, or, most importantly, irrelevant parts of the data [also referred to as ROT – redundant, obsolete and trivial data].  The inconsistencies detected or removed may have been originally caused by user entry errors or by corruption in transmission or storage, but Capax Discovery makes certain that the data we archive for our clients are both essential and error-proof.  

Secure Archiving
Our mission is simple: We provide the most comprehensive unified data archiving service to our enterprise clients – and we do it better than anyone else in the world.

Simply put, our solutions move data that is no longer actively used to securely managed storage for long-term retention.  This unified archived data consists of older data that is still important to our clients and may be needed for future reference, as well as data that must be retained for regulatory compliance, etc.   Our data archives are indexed and have search capabilities so files and segments of files can be easily located and retrieved.  

We are not providing the utilization of the data, we will leave that for other providers.  Our mission, our identity, our focus, and our resources are all focused on providing the world’s foremost archiving solution.  Our PremCloud powered by EAS 8.0 is the world leader in enterprise data archiving.

The value of archiving data is becoming more and more apparent to everyone.  What is relevant data to our clients today is limited to what they can process effectively with the speed and agility their current computing prowess; but, eventually, Quantum computing will be able to make remarkable and productive use of massive amounts of data – data that we are archiving for our customers for future utilization.

At Capax Discovery, we have eliminated the disadvantage of having to choose between on-premise or hosted data archiving by presenting a more nimble paradigm for the location of our customer’s data.  

Our advanced PremCloudHosting perspective speaks directly to the strategic versatility of our hosting alternatives that we can now provide our customers [especially our multinational customers].

Our multinational customer’s data storage needs can no longer be satisfied by the limitation of simply choosing between a hosted or on-premise solution – there is a need for a more adaptable hosting alternative, and that solution is in our PremCloud.  

Every multinational enterprise is bound to have a variety of native domicile conditions to deal with: Sovereignty, dominion, residency, accessibility, laws, restrictions, custody, compliance, costs, risk, intellectual resources, security, safety, and manageability will undoubtedly differ in each location.  If one of our customers were to be an international enterprise, they would undoubtedly require different hosting environments for their archived data.  For example, in Germany, they may want to host their data in their own data center and have us provide the appropriate managed services for our EAS 8.0 solution, while in Hong Kong, they may want us to host it for them as well.  And in Canada, they may want to host it, but have us fully manage it.  And on and on …  

The key is that our customers always truly own their data – while they can rely on us for the security, management, and administrative optic that our market-leading PremCloud based solutions provide

Total Access
Our PremCloud Total Access administrative optic with CISO Sentinel allows our customers total access to their data, as well as the governance of the entire processing of data coming in and going out of their archiving vault.  This allows for not only a better administrative optic, but it also allows for the more robust use of their valuable archived data for a limitless amount of utilization.

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 The original PremCloud Sketch [2017]

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